Birth & Baby Community

A welcoming space for expectant and new parents

With conversations, courses and resources you can read, talk, learn, ask questions and focus on your need for information, support and reassurance during pregnancy and with your baby.

What’s included

You can read weekly birth & baby focused posts for practical knowledge, options, perspective, reassurance and confidence.

You can take part or just watch these video sessions to focus on and discuss different birth and baby topics.

You can access the full library of antenatal and postnatal courses, guides and blog posts at your own pace.

You can take part in the weekly Wednesday online chat session for conversation, questions and support.

With the Notes and Newsletter features I can also share my Instagram & blog posts so everything is in one place.

With the courses, posts and conversations, we will cover a range of issues:

feeling ready for birth | contractions | exhaustion | pain | overwhelm | birth space | birth partners | communication & planning | inductions | birth support | caesareans | episiotomies | assisted deliveries | epidurals | waterbirths | early labour | established labour | giving birth | positions for pregnancy, labour & birth | recovery from birth | new babies | being a new parent | sleep & being tired | feeding | baby development & growth spurts | what’s normal | being a mum | loss of identity | feeling isolated | low mood & anxiety | bad days | conflicting advice | weaning | going back to work | work/life balance | options | making decisions |

With Janine

As a practitioner, I have worked with expectant and new parents for over 20 years. And I have learnt so much from each one.

My experience means I listen, inform, support and reassure. I am honest, open and passionate about working with you as an individual so you can focus on what matters to you.

My role is not to tell you what to do, it is to give you knowledge and confidence so you can prepare, plan, make decisions and manage the challenges.

The Birth & Baby Community is for parents everywhere, let me know if you have any questions.